Inspirational Poems

Discover how to let go of the hurt by encouraging your spirit to heal by writing inspirational poems. 

Creativity is the key that opens the door to delight, it is the tool that removes us from terrible times. It shows us the sun when all we know is sadness. Creativity reminds us that every moment can feel magical even when we are lonely and feel bad. As we explore our creativity we must reach for our childlike charm, seek out new ways to see the world, and create. Finding this key means we must actively engage the physical world, escape our thoughts, and explore our dreams.

Writing your first Inspirational Poem

This exercise is designed to help you develop ways to cope with your daily life. 

1.) Start writing your inspirational poem by describing how you feel, don’t hold back.  Give every ounce of your hurt into the paper beneath your pen. 

2.) After venting out all that extra steam, transform it into a poetic message.  Search for ways you can come to terms with it in the moment. After letting out all that hurt, explore how it made you feel, and look to the future with brighter eyes.

3.) Search for ways others could learn from your hurt by showing them that hope is around the corner. Build this message into your poem.

4.) The final step is to give.  You must give or share this with someone else.  The intention must be pure, good and without reward.  You must give for the sake of spreading goodness.