We want to help you build your own client base. A successful massage career requires a steady and regular flow of clientele each week. To help facilitate your growth we have implemented several strategies to inspire you to get involved with your own success. Many wellness practitioners sit on their hands, waiting to be fed by the marketing arm of their company. They are quick to complain when their schedule is slow and become bitter when new clients opt out of rebooking with them. If you want a full book, you must be engaged, you must become a mini-entrepreneur and make your own destiny. Our brand is strong, but you must possess the personal power and drive to build your brand with each client who walks through our door. As a member of the Jennifer Brand team, we will work with you to help build the client base you need.

What can you do to get involved with our marketing?
If you want to fill your schedule with new clientele, you need to get involved with our marketing. This manifests in a multitude of ways:
- Share, like and comment on our social media content.
- Attend networking events.
- Search for ways to get involved with the local community.
- Write articles pertaining to your massage philosophy and submit them to management.
- Offer to run a workshop.
- Ask your clients for a google or social media review if they loved your service.
- Get out, socialize and invite people to come in to get a massage from you.
- Join Facebook groups focused on things to do and when people ask about massage mention the company’s name and the website address.
A little bit goes a long way. Simply taking the time to like and share Jennifer Brand’s social media posts will open numerous opportunities for you.
Retaining Clients
We want you to reach your weekly maximum client capacity. Every massage therapist has a goal they want to meet. The key to achieving this goal is by retaining each client who receives a service from you. We have designed our spa to help you. We offer them beverages, chocolates, a clean, quiet atmosphere and a beautiful facility.
We hire the highest quality service providers and spa personnel. Management takes the time to get to know you and the services you offer to maximize your booking potential. We invest in training, teamwork, and the cultivation of a harmonious spa environment.
A lot of time and money is invested into getting clients into the door. It is your responsibility to provide them with a reason to return. If you are on our team that means you are a spectacular service provider, but sometimes being amazing isn’t enough. You must understand the services you offer, engage with the guests how they want to be treated, and cultivate an atmosphere of humility, creativity, and empathy. People want to feel welcome; they need to feel like the center of the universe, we want you to give them that experience. That means you must let go of your ego and radiate healthy, tranquil confidence.
An abundance mentality will help you build a quality client base
When you live with abundance you will attract the same. When you give for goodness’s sake fortune will find you. If you want to build a quality client base you must live with abundance. This means giving when there seems to be no gain, giving first and often, and being an overall good person.
The way you treat others, especially your peers play a huge role on whether a client will rebook with you. Speaking poorly of coworkers or management may seem like it is elevating your client’s opinion of you, but ultimately it brings down the team and your value as a practitioner.
In any industry you are only as good as the public’s perception. Ultimately you are of the sum of its practitioners. If they see you as the best in an industry filled with terrible tradesmen, you are the best of the worst. I assume you want to be the best of the best. To achieve this, we must uplift our peers, encourage them to reach for excellence, and offer them a helping hand when they are hurting. It is our goal to raise the standard of the massage industry, to help create opportunities, and cultivate a thriving community. As a member of our team, we have the same expectations of you.
Our industry often falls prey to the scarcity mindset. They are afraid that if they share their techniques and services with others, they will steal their talents and lose clientele. The reality is you do not own any clients or techniques. No one owns anyone else. Your techniques are gifts meant to be shared, and when we horde them they are taken away.
As massage therapists we are teachers, guides, and lantern bearers. We live with the purpose of helping others, spreading joy, and serving to help others rediscover hope. Once you learn how to give, you will be on the road to receive.
A generous, loving soul is magnetic. People love to be surrounded by people who are good to others. The more your embrace the goodness of life the more people will be drawn to you.
A great example of an organization with abundance is IKAGG. They run spectacular networking events nearly every day of the week. In many ways this organization represents the core values of Jennifer Brand. I would strong suggest you check them out, here is a link to an article that explore how their philosophy is a benefit to you and the massage industry.