Sometimes we find gems in fascinating places and IKAGG Connect is a diamond in the rough. What relevance does a networking group have for a page dedicated to massage therapists and wellness professionals? The answer is simple, their philosophy is the key to discovering your dreams.
If you attend any of their networking meetings, you will hear them bolding quote their amazing mantra:

CONNECT was founded on the philosophy that #TogetherIsAmazing – When we all pull together in the same direction for the benefit of each other and the team, AMAZING things happen, not only in each other’s businesses, but our own business, as well.
There are 3 Pillars to CONNECT:
Together is Amazing
As massage therapists we have a valuable lesson to gain from this magnificent message. “When we all pull together in the same direction for the benefit of each other and the team, AMAZING things happen…” As an industry everyone is so afraid to share and work together, we have failed to achieve the recognition many want to receive. We are pulling in so many different directions nothing truly meaningful is accomplished. Sure, new states become regulated, and protections for the public are established, but we can’t seem to move passed the first step.
My business mentor often compares massage therapy to wrestling. In wrestling you must train as a team, but when it comes to a match you are all on your own. You can defeat your opponent individually, but if your teammates fail everyone loses. The same applies to the spa you work at, and the industry as a whole.
The Micro Level
On the micro level of Together is Amazing we can apply it to the spa we work at. Many massage therapists operate with a lone wolf mentality. We only think about what will benefit us without considering the ramifications it may impose on our colleges. This behavior can destroy a spa. The wellness industry attracts emotional creatures with sensitive proclivities. Our art form requires a certain energy and if we lose sight of it that energy it will slip from our hands. When that happens our quality of life diminishes, and the team falls apart.
The Harmony born from the IKAGG Connect Philosophy
Harmony is essential in a spa and the only way it can be achieved and maintained is if we live with abundance, and exemplify the virtues of creativity, humility and empathy.
“When we all pull together in the same direction for the benefit of each other and the team, AMAZING things happen…”
As a team of wellness practitioners, we must explore ways to creatively navigate social situations so we all benefit. Every relationship must be mutually beneficial. When it isn’t everything quickly becomes wrong. When the atmosphere in a spa feels wrong everyone is acutely aware of it and it will tear a team apart.
This core philosophy must first exist at the very top. If it doesn’t, it will never take root, without a strong soil the business won’t grow, and no one will flourish. A leader must make the greatest sacrifice and give more than anyone else is willing to. This is their responsibility; they must lead by example if they want their company to become a paragon of excellence.
As an employee at Jennifer Brand we expect you to pull together with us in the same direction. This is for the benefit of everyone and the team. We do this because we know that if we do it together AMAZING things will happen!
What is the value “not only in each other’s businesses, but our own business, as well.” on a micro spa level? Adjust the earlier statement to “When we all pull together in the same direction for the benefit of each other and the team, AMAZING things happen, not only in each other’s career, but our own career, as well.”
When we work to celebrate our peers and team amazing things happen. You will have positive and meaningful relationships with your professional peers. You will look forward to going to the spa. Each session will be more enjoyable, and you will take pride in your work knowing you are on the same team with passionate, and peaceful people.
The world can be a wonderful place, if we pull together, we will achieve amazing things.
The Macro Level
On the macro level of Together is Amazing we can apply it to our industry. Many facilities operate with a lone wolf mentality. They think about what will benefit them without considering the ramifications it may impose on the industry. This behavior can destroy an industry and the Mega Chains are an example of this.
Clearly each business has its own core, supporting, and powerful goals, but we can work together. There is enough business for every massage therapist and facility to succeed. If as an industry, we let go of our scarcity mindset and started celebrating abundance our profession would become stronger. The seed would finally root its way into the soil and become a powerful tree able to feed everyone.
There are 3 Pillars to CONNECT:
Collaboration over competition: When we work together it creates opportunities and opens doorways we would have otherwise never noticed. Embrace an abundance mindset and realize we all offer our own unique gifts. Sharing our knowledge with others doesn’t limit us, it expands our potential. Imagine the future we could create if we came together to create a culture. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be a part of a community that espouses the virtues of creativity, empathy, and humility? Think about all the massage therapists we could save from burnout, and all the amazing people we could help.
Referrals Through Relationships: Sometimes the services we offer aren’t a good match for everyone. The universe granted us some incredible gifts, but sometimes our guests need something we do not offer. As guides, teachers, and lantern bearers it is our responsibility to refer our clientele to people who can help them. When we develop relationships with our professional peers it creates meaningful bonds. We can send our clients to those who possess the skills they need, and we can feel good about doing it.
Referrals through relationships extends beyond our professional responsibility to refer out. It also plays a major role in how others refer people to us. If we expect our guests and peers to offer referrals, they need to know who we are.
When we take the time to get to know what other people want, who they are, and where they came from it gives them a platform to exist. We live in a world of unreality and social media. True, meaningful connections are few and far between. When you exist in the moment and take time to occupy space it creates a place for them to be human.
Give First and Give Often: I believe we should give for the sake of goodness. When the world is dark and dreary, I want to offer my arm to hold a light for others to see. Sometimes the lantern is heavy to hold, but if we want to inspire others to be bold, we must bear the burden until they are strong enough to show others the way.
Giving first and often is about being good to others, offering a shoulder when the need arises or guiding them toward the beautiful light of life. It is not a sacrifice. You shouldn’t be giving yourself away for free. Instead, it is the act of helping others when they have a need.
As a massage therapist you perform your services for a fee. Should you choose, you can offer your hand to help them feel heavenly. But when it comes to give first and often it means sharing the things you do not sell. Some of the greatest treasures you can share is your conversation, guidance, and wisdom.
Massage and the IKAGG Connect Conclusion
I want to watch our industry flourish, I want to see your career rise higher than the tallest tree, and I want every massage therapist to feel liberated and free. I believe the IKAGG philosophy is a gem worth sharing. It is an ideology that our profession needs, and with some empathy, creativity, and humility we can live in the culture we all need.