This afternoon I revisited a deep reflective inspiration. It was from a time when I was relearning how to breathe. When I hurt it is my policy to transcribe the experience into a poem or piece of literature that may help others cope in their complicated moments.
Here is the reflective inspiration:
“Like acid in your veins and sludge under your skin I can feel the pain begin to swim. The agony within me is bitter and bad. Sometimes the ache is dull and cold, sad and sorrowful. Its uncomfortable to see how deep the horror can be, especially when it is hard to breathe. Like worms wiggling and writhing inside me the searing sorrow burns and churns, I toil as I plant my feet in the soil to anchor my heart before it is torn apart.

With a deep breath I pull with my lung, fighting and prying at the air, fighting the tightness like an animal in a snare.
With my feet planted deep I begin to think. I stop and slow and figure out which way to go. I press my hand against my chest and begin to undo the mess.
No matter how hard it is to be, there is always a way we can see. When the air escapes us, and water fills our eyes we can reach out our hand and continue to fight. Dig deep into yourself and find your light and from there you will wield your inner might.
No matter the horror that stands before you, your hopeful wish will be a powerful fist and you shall crush all that wish to ruin your will, to hurt your feels and break your soul.
You are powerful, incredible and unstoppable. No matter how much you hurt, your heart will heal your force of will. And there is no doubt, surely whirly I know it’s true, you will do all that you need to do.”
No matter how broken you may feel, or how much life you believe has been stolen from you, there is wonder in the world. The beauty before your eyes is infinite, and the pleasure is divine. Sure, we all have pain that will last our entire lifetime, but you are strong enough to stand your ground, to anchor your spirit, and wear your power with purpose and peace.
Deep inside your soul you have the ability to wash the muck and mud from your eyes and return to living your life. You can relearn how to love, discover the delightfulness of each day and explore existence in the most wonderful ways.