discover your Inner Light
Ignite the fire of your soul
Discover your inner light, ignite the fire of your soul. When life seems dark and dreary, remember there is more to life than misery. You are brilliant, bold, and old enough to know that the night is not always cold. Grab yourself a blanket and bundle up, grab a cup of tea, and set your spirit free. If you need a little extra love in your life, take a break and warm your heart by giving these inspirations a read.
You can brush your teeth, and change your socks, you can comb your hair and adjust the clock. You can put your food on a plate, or call a friend, you can even fly a kite in the wind.
Every activity on this list is a win-win. When you are down and your heart feels like it is laying on the ground, there are powerful things you can do in the now.
So, if you are sad brush your teeth, change your socks, take some time to correct your clock. Comb your hair, take a deep breath of air and release yourself from your dreary snare.
When passion seeps from your soul and the slivers of sadness steal away your goals, you must turn away from the dark places. You must be strong and bold and become the sights and sounds that replenished your spirit.
There are good things to see and delightful treats to eat. The world is not hollow and empty, it is great indeed. I am certain that when you find what you need it will set you free.
You will realize the seconds of now are moments that have passed, and by then you will be on a new path. It will be one of purpose and passion, greatness, and peace.
You will be mighty and magnificent and free as can be.
Explore the Virtues of Massage
A great massage therapist must slice away their bias, open their soul and witness the world through someone else’s eyes. We must close our eyes and imagine why others do what they do, we have to feel what they feel & integrate forgiveness into our heart.
A great massage therapist must feed their creativity. They need to participate in extracurricular activities that encourages them to think outside of the box, to build something, and see their life with new eyes.