Remain Aware

Online mantras and snippets of wisdom are mostly worthless and misleading. They are often single slices of a greater pie, and even then they do not account for the meal that came before.

The quest for harmony cannot be found within an incomplete quote or a single line of scripture. It must be witnessed within the totality of its message to be accurately received. Reading anything less leads to duress and disharmony. These short snippets are signs of our times, they are a reflection of our culture of instant gratification and self-obsession.

Unfortunately our existence and culture have more fractures that a broken mirror, so even this analysis is incomplete. Not only do we live in a culture of instant gratification and self-obsession, but we also exist in a world that increasingly attempts to eradicate the value of the individual in favor for an obsession for collectivism.

The media and the powers-to-be want to strip us of our liberties, scare us into submission, and make everyone loathe and hate each other. With the amount of marketing and money invested in breaking the bonds of our communities it is easy to see why we are starving for a little emotional levity.

We hurt so deeply that even a snippet of wisdom, even out of context can remind us that our inner and outer qualities and hardships have value. Unfortunately both avenues are addictions of our incorporeal union. They are indulgences that push us away from peace and increase the severity of our disease.

How do we fight against those who seek to strip away our identity? What must we do to satiate our inside zones so we may live with peace and harmony?

We must search for complete ideas and critically analyze them. We must pluck out the propaganda, search for motive, and release our anger into the ether as positive energy. We do this by recycling the power of the adversary into good vibes and healing intent.

We must turn off the TV and begin ignoring those who want to strip away our identity. We must push away our quest for collectivism and embrace the unique things that ignite our fire for life.

We should take the time to smile at the snippets we read but be wary of the words we integrate into our reality.