A Little Inspiration

Fish sticks and jellybeans, old hats, and little snacks, but especially butterflies and old mulch go great inside a QT big gulp.

I try to live my life in silly ways, because there is too much darkness and strife in our daily lives. I am a character to many, a cartoonish thing, and ultimately I am OK with the perceptions others tend to make.

I am a milk carton with many sides, and I have learned from people wiser than I, that my voice changes based on what I feel and think.

Sometimes I am super serious, overwhelmingly playful, and out of this world unusual. The world has granted me with the terrible blessing of being bold, sometimes seemingly cold, and ultimately odder than an old fancy hat.

My greatest curses are my most wonderful fortunes, and I always do my best to see the beauty in all things. I have known pain beyond my wildest imagination, yet I have known no greater agony than you have been forced to face.

My horrors have taught me how to help others heal themselves. Though I may be helpful I am not a healer. I simply live my life in a way that sometimes guides others to minimize their strife.

I am no better or worse off than you, I’m just another person. Ultimately, I want only the best for those I hold close, and even those I have never met.

I hope my words can serve as a sticky glue, one that will bind your life together with your own honest truth. Because at the end of the day there is only one way we can put on our shoes.

It is my hope that you will give greatness for goodness’s sake, grant yourself a few breaks, and to know you are bound to make many mistakes.

So pull that stake from your heart like a vampire in the dark. Rise from your sleep and stand tall on your old dirty feet.