Relationship Boundaries Continued

Your purpose was formed from the primordial glue, and it is up to you to shape it with undeniable truth. Beneath the muck and mud of the media’s manipulations and the social experiments inflicted upon you, is a suffering soul. It is starving, suffocating, and fighting to survive.

I know how it feels to walk a lonely road, to feel alien, and alone. In our journey it is easy to lose sight of hope and our ability to cope. Often we catch ourselves tasting the bitterness of our broken heart as we bumble along our crushed cobblestone road.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

When the storm clouds above rumble and roar they become difficult to ignore, especially when we have been waiting so long for the wind to catch our sails. The wind will come with the rain, and when it arrives we must be ready to ride the waves.

Unfortunately we were never taught how to be the captain of our ship, let alone how to sail the seven seas. No one has even taught us how to drop our anchor to feel safe and secure as we eat and sleep.

The world has lied to us, it has wrapped our eyes in a foolish veil. One that consistently misleads us deeper into our own personal hell. These lies let us squander our seconds, because they teach us to believe that things will simply fall into place; and when they never do our bolts begin to unscrew.

What can we do to find our anchor, how can we learn to sail, and become the captain of our own ship? How do we find the peace we need in our uncertain sea?

  1. We must be ready to weather the storm when the rain begins to fall. Transforming our life is no easy task. It is painful and burdensome. It often feels like the coldest rain, and it sometimes drives us insane. It is a hard journey, but pain is the catalyst for change, because without it we will be too complacent to forge ourselves into the person we need to be. As we enter our metamorphosis our dark parts will rise to the surface of our soul, and our old demons will tempt us with their sweet suffering. Avoid setting yourself on fire by searching for your inner power, rest your head on something soft, and float peacefully through the storm as you ignore every devilish desire.
  2. We must relearn how to dance and sing, because these things have been stripped from our society. How can we find harmony if we lack the ability to witness a beautiful ballad, or feel a beat? We live terrible lives because we lack rhythm, and the consequence consumes our spirit. We fix this by searching inwardly to find the obvious answers that have been obfuscated from our eyes. In the celestial melody of our existence we need the chords of undeniable truth to play a sensational song. Without these cosmic notes we will feel alone, broken, and without direction.
  3. We need to reflect on the past to determine the role we played in our own hurt, then start taking responsibility for them. You are responsible for your own agony. Minimize the horrors of your existence by altering how you speak of them. This is achieved by slicing out certain words from your sentences, eliminate terms like: toxic, trigger, and trauma from your verbiage. These are junk words that push the negative energy wheel. They instill weakness and ever-present self-victimization. You are more than your hurt, you are not your disease, or hardship. When we use these terms they spin us down a spiral till we are too dizzy to see the good in everything.
  4. Avoid surrounding yourself with people who constantly wallow in the cesspool of their own misery. Offer experience, empathy, and compassion to those you love, but do not allow yourself to be drenched in their negativity. Sadness and sorrow can be positive experiences as we heal, but once they become a lifestyle we must step away.
  5. We must avoid the pathological drive to achieve absolute self-sufficiency. We all exist because two people came together to create us. The world may want us to believe that we can take on everything alone, and that this lonely road is the way to peace, harmony, and deep satisfaction. The undeniable truth is that when we walk our highway of life alone it robs us of our ability to achieve our primal needs. We were never meant to be alone. In the roots of our primordial glue is the truth that we need someone to stick to.

We hurt with such immeasurable intensity because we have refused to wipe the muck and mud from our eyes to witness the natural wonders of life.

Your soul is starving, suffocating, and fighting to survive because it is suffering. It needs another soul to feed it when it is hungry, and to water it as it withers, and fight for it when it is afraid for its life.

No matter what you believe, you cannot thrive in this life if you insist on carrying every burden, and battling every fight, while holding the lantern of life.