Embrace Love

In life it is easy to give up on people, but it is better to see the goodness in their souls. The moment we choose to give up on the world is the second everything becomes stark and cold.

How do we continue giving love when we have been hurt so many times? Why should we open our heart when everyone we love ends up eating our spirit? I’ve been destroyed by so many people it would be easy to call it quits, to hang up my coat and call it a day.

When the world punches us in the throat it is up to us to take a deep breath and suck it up. Life was never meant to be easy; nothing is fair and when we are down someone will always be there to kick us in the gut.

Stop beating yourself up over the hardships you have faced. Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason to the insanity we are forced to face.

Though the events of our existence may seem meaningless there is wisdom to be learned from our experiences. You can and will rise from your ashes, you will fly high into the sky and soar among the gods. The radiant glow of your soul will inspire others who’ve had their face rubbed into the muck and mud. You will show them life is not a dud and your actions will reveal there is goodness after every great storm. Love will rain from your heart, and it will remind others there is more than hurt. They will see that there is light at the end of the night and your power will encourage them to fight.

How do we continue giving love when we have been hurt so many times? We push because we know there is more peace than there is pain. Life has shown us that in every second is a snapshot of infinite beauty. It has revealed to us that we are happier more than we are sad. We push forward because we are powerful, amazing, and stronger than any force that may be put on our path.

Why should we open our heart when everyone we love ends up eating our spirit? We open our heart because we know these words are lies. They are blinders placed over our eyes to keep us from living our life. Throughout our incredible journey god has granted us more gifts than we could ever acknowledge, and we have been loved by more people than those who have showered us in suffering.

We have never been utterly, and completely destroyed, so there is no reason to ever call it quits. We wear our coat because it is beautiful and bold, and it will help us feel warm when we are cold. When the world punches us in the throat we can train to block our attackers, and instead of looking for ways to make life easier we can search for the joys in our challenges. We can create fairness, make our moments fun, and help others up when they are too weak to stand.

In the journey of life we can create our own grand plan, we can live, and grow, and find new ways to glow. We can do all of this because we live a life of love.