Unusual humans search for a certain spark that will light their flame. No ordinary match or lighter will do. Sometimes it takes a bold blowtorch to create the conflagration they need.
How do we find this flame? Sometimes we are granted insight into the things we have failed to see. Our society is so afraid of criticism we actively cripple our growth because we are unaware of what is holding us back.
I love pure, honest criticism, because it is the only way I can achieve the excellence of my dreams. There is no greater pleasure than watching someone overcome the fear of being truly and absolutely honest. There is no greater degree of vulnerability, and it is the most beautiful gift anyone can ever receive.
At first it hurts, but like any developing muscle, the pain is a part of the game. Turmoil, uncertainty, and sweet suffering are gifts that grant us gratitude for the things that set us free. Every lick from the whip of life builds scars on our back that help us bear the burden of future hurt.
Honesty lets us sample the Divine Light of our Heaven above. It is true, and real, and wonderful in all the right ways.
Truth is a pleasure that hurts worse than any agony because it makes us face our darkness. It sheds light on our life and forces us to see our failings. It hurts because it is real, and vulnerable, and powerful. It is the gateway to greatness, and I live for these incredible seconds when the world is more than boring doldrums, and rote reactions.
We are surrounded by so many falsehoods, so much fear, and weakness that seconds like these seem horrible. They are so much more. They are gifts from God, moments when we are touched by the divine and reminded that we are alive.