Lead with Love

All things created by God are perfect, thank goodness all things were created by God.  Within all of us lurks the Adversary, this primordial force pressures our soul to indulge harmful behavior, pridefulness, and selfishness.  Though it may seem like a curse, the Adversary is a gift from God, it grants us the greatest blessing of existence: Freewill.  We must love the Adversary, just as we love all things created by God.

Love is not a simple state of existence.  When we actively love we do not necessarily have to like it.  For example, we can love people who hurt us, and we can love someone without being in love with them.  Love is a divine harmony of empathy, humility, and creativity.

We should love all of our experiences.  Everything we have survived has shaped us into the person we are today.  If we love who we are, we must accept the blessings of every hardship we have endured.  We must treat our emotions like living creatures, because they are thriving, vibrant parts of us and collectively complete our spirit.  Unlike our soul the spirit lacks rationale, and it is comprised of our demons, impulses, and desires.  Our emotional creatures tempt us to place self-gratification as our highest priority and are often unified by the Adversary.  We need our spirit to explore our humanity, to thrive, and to live our highest quality of life.  Our spirit is the absolute embodiment of feminine energy, she is wild, magical, and whimsical.  She needs a stable force to anchor her reality, to provide nourishment and safety. 

The spirit is eternally married to our soul.  He is her angel, protector, and guide.  She needs him to lead when the world renders her weary and without direction.  Their relationship is harmonious, peaceful and the perfect union of masculine and feminine.  She is a tether ball; their marriage is the rope, and he is the post anchored in the dirt.  Their relationship allows her to express her femininity, to fly this way and that, but when she needs his peace, the spirit can wrap herself around him to feel safe and secure.

The soul needs her feminine energy to remain whole, strong, and resilient.  Her fairy wisdom allows him to connect with nature, commune with the divine, and feel the beauty of the cosmos.  She helps him hold onto his purpose, drive and reason to fight.  Our soul fuels our ability to have rational thought, to build and maintain infrastructure, and to fight for our life.  It is a force that requires a tremendous amount of energy.  Though our soul provides her nourishment he cannot feed himself.  They must feed each other like bride and groom, their union is celebrated every day in a wedding reception where they feed each other cake.  The soul absorbs his energy through the comfort, nurturing and peace she brings him.  With her energy he sacrifices himself to gruel away with hard labor to ensure she is fed, protected, and grounded in reality.  In a harmonious relationship they support each other under the umbrella of their masculine and feminine union.   

Sometimes equilibrium is lost.  The soul becomes intoxicated by the pleasures of the spirit, or he loses sight of his power and demands submission without earning it with healthy dominance.  When our spirit reigns supreme it leads us to indulge our dark parts, leading us to encourage cruelty.  When our soul rises to tyranny he extinguishes the light of life, forces order without compromise and leeches away the magic of the moment.

When this happens we must rely on our mind to use its knowledge and life lessons to build borders, enforce boundaries, and govern our existence.  The mind must give love while disciplining its incorporeal counterparts as they were children.  Our mind is not a friend to the spirit and soul, it is their sheriff, governor, and judge.

Unfortunately the mind can also be their executioners.  When the mind acts with hatred and refuses to bestow love it betrays the divine order.  It destroys our humanity and devours the liberties of others.