In this exploring massage techniques class, we will be discussing client positioning.
Have you ever wanted to learn new techniques without having to push through pricey pay walls? Do you feel like you have skills that could enrich the massage community? If so, this free class is for you! Join us to share, listen, and participate in this learning opportunity. This class is one of the many facets of the Discovering Hope Initiative, a support group for massage therapists. It is our goal to uplift massage therapists throughout our community so they may have a long, healthy, and prosperous career.
Instructor: Shawn White, LMT
This class focuses on how to perform a massage in ways other than the prone and supine position. It includes approaches such as side-lying, clothed and seated, and clothed while standing. We will discuss the theoretical benefit of adjusting a client’s limb position to maximize the results of a corrective focused massage treatment.
Other Topics May Include: The differences between performing from a seated verse standing position, how to create your own techniques, micro-formulas, tactics, and strategies.