Latest Past Events

Classroom Trade

Jennifer Brand Spa 2717 Hwy K, Ofallon

On the fourth Wednesday of every month Jennifer Brand hosts free Classroom Trades. What are classroom trades? One massage therapist performs a full 60-minute massage on another massage therapist in front of other LMTs and students in a classroom environment. It helps massage therapists receive proper massage maintenance, encourages comradery and friendship, and provides our […]

Hands-on Massage Class

Jennifer Brand Spa 2717 Hwy K, Ofallon

On every second and third Wednesday of the month Jennifer Brand Spa hosts a free hands-on massage class to help massage students, and LMTs discover new techniques, improve their body mechanics, and explore the theories and philosophies of massage. Have you ever wanted to learn new techniques without having to push through pricey pay walls? […]

Hands-on Massage Class

Jennifer Brand Spa 2717 Hwy K, Ofallon

On every second and third Wednesday of the month Jennifer Brand Spa hosts a free hands-on massage class to help massage students, and LMTs discover new techniques, improve their body mechanics, and explore the theories and philosophies of massage. Have you ever wanted to learn new techniques without having to push through pricey pay walls? […]