When we journal we open our vortices to pour out sour and silly energy. It is a beautiful practice, and one of the most delightful exercises for our spirit.
Journaling is to our spirit as yoga is to our body. It stretches and strengthens, but it loses many of its benefits when we fail to breathe like our body needs.
Journaling is great, but the practice is often incomplete. Simply scribbling our thoughts and feels onto a piece of paper may release the burdens from our barrel, but when the rain returns it will once again be filled to the brim.
There are two steps most of us miss. These manifest as important scoobie snacks for the mind and the soul.
Our soul needs to be a part of the venting process so that he can exercise his strength and purpose for his wife. He does this by being there with her when she cries, then taking action to protect her from future hurt. In journaling he accomplishes this by recycling her tears into triumph. He takes her woe and transforms it into something wonderful. Doing this allows him to eat some scoobie snacks, and by doing so, it replenishes our soul zones as he fixes something that has been broken.
In the context of journaling this means he will gleam the goodness from her hurt, then make it into something marvelous and magical. Simply put he rewrites her hurt into something that will guide our future self and bring some light into the lives of others.
Most of my writing is accomplished using this method and it has allowed me to overcome and prevent my spirit from spiraling out of control.
The next time you journal rewrite what you have just written by turning it into an uplifting message for someone else. When you do this you will feel a release greater than any sadness scribble you have ever written.
Then rewrite it one final time. Give your vented steam to your mind and provide it the chance to analyze the hurt and healing you have endured. With patience, and purposefulness it will serve as your governor to create roads, walls, and borders to build new boundaries.
This act will place a shield above your barrel. It will serve as a roof to drain away your recurring pain. The rain will find its way into its proper places, it will feed the plants within your garden of truth. In this place your soul will cultivate each plant so it may transform them into delicious scoobie snacks.
In the end your mind will have the time to package some of these delicious delights, so it may serve your spirit with a supper when our scoobie snacks become scarce.