How do we give our greatest energy?

To embark on this quest we must encourage others to open their treasure chest and experience excellence.

We do this by feeling and filling the room. Take a moment and meditate on occupying your space, feel your energy radiate and pay attention to where it gravitates. Harness your mighty glow, direct it like Cupid’s bow and encourage others to fall in love with life.

How do we feel and fill the room? We must harmonize our desire and balance each expectation. Our actions must be fair, caring and daring. We need to give more than we expect to receive and be as humble as humble-can-be. Our heart and head must work in tandem to massage the magic of the moment by encouraging others to feel marvelous.

If the energy is stagnant and dead we must never give into the dread. Instead our incorporeal union shall melt down the suffering of the second, by recycling it into something significant.

How do we do this? Our spirit and soul must be in love. They must wear each other’s passion like a glove, and soar through the sky like two turtle doves.

Our spirit is essential in this incredible exploration. She is the might under our wings that allow us to take flight. She is the wind behind our sails that carry us across the sea. Our spirit is the spark that ignites every candle and campfire, and when her power burns out our voice loses its ability to shout. This leads us to speak in hushed tones and often causes us to feel alone. When this happens we must remind her to shine from time-to-time by guiding her to play. So, invigorate your spirit with amazing things, and encourage her to dance and sing.

If she is too tired to rise to the delight of her own melody, invite her to rest her head on our soul’s chest. Whisper sweet words till her eyes dim and dine on sleepy time tunes. After her sleep she will feel free and once again the spirit will have the power to fight against another dreary dream.

Our soul lives with a goal but he too can become wayward and lost. He is the device that guides the spirits light, his shape and focus is the form of her lantern and with his direction she will illuminate the night with her light.

Once our soul loses his moxie he will no longer be able to muster the might to stand tall for his doll. With his arms weakened he will fail to have the will to fight. His legs will wobble like flimsy trees, and his hardships will make him feel battered and beaten. He will become an old relic, a simple token of old triumph, and a broken trinket.

Our soul needs the peace-granting energy of his wife. He requires her higher-power and connection to the divine. Our soul must have the ability to rest his head against her breast and listen to our spirit’s sweet song.

When our spirit and soul are mostly harmonious it invites others to join us within our spirit palace. There we can dance and play, but only for a limited stay, because only loved ones can remain for more than a day.

If you seek to feel and fill the room you must become it. Your heart must burn with a brilliant glow and invite others to get to know your soul and cherish the radiant light of your spirit.

As we accept their energy into our heart we must encourage them to occupy their space by guiding them toward their perfect place. We will show them how to feel and fill the room, to meditate on their sacred ways, and pay attention to where their energy radiates.

This is how we give our greatest energy. It is a beautiful quest to encourage others to open their treasure chest and experience excellence.