The Metabolic Disorder of our Industry

Our eyes can only witness what we are willing to see.  When we embrace self-obsession we lose sight of the world around us.  It shrouds our eyes, rendering us blind to the significance of other people’s existence.  Our fear, pleasure, and pain become the only things that matter.  When we begin to believe this, everyone else suffers.  This manifests in many ways, sometimes we demand others to forfeit their freedoms, liberties, and autonomy, so we may satiate our desires.  When this happens it cripples our sight.  It twists reality by allowing us to believe other people lack humanity, are ignorant, and blind.  Our perverted righteous drive steals away their divine light and ignores their personal plight.

Our industry is rife with this kind of behavior.  It is a byproduct of the cancer and its necrotic waste.  All of this began when we stopped listening and searching for ways to understand what other people see and experience. 

As massage therapists our eyes lock onto our own perceptions, and by doing so we dehumanize the receptionists, managers, and owners.  We begin to believe we deserve more than what we have earned, steal the successes of others, and mismanage our self-worth.

Our industry has a metabolic disorder of the soul.  This disease was born from our inflated ego, and it has transformed how we interact with the world.  The problem is akin to diabetes, but instead of suffering with high blood sugar, we are obsessed with the sweetness of personal deifications and entitlement. 

Having confidence and fighting for what we have earned is healthy, but indulging self-obsession transforms how we experience life and treat others.  High blood sugar may cause us to feel tired, hungry and thirsty; it can blur our vision, and cause frequent urination.  Like diabetes, personal deifications and entitlement inflicts a host of its own symptoms.  It causes us to become insatiable.  No matter how much attention we consume it is never enough.  Our spirit becomes lethargic, and we lose hope.  Sadness swells within our chest and no matter what we fill it with we still feel empty inside.  Our third eye becomes blurred and blind, and we lose the ability to witness reality, listen to the wisdom of the world, and tap into our insight.  As we indulge self-obsession our soul fights to right the wrongs of our mind.  It imperceivable injuries cause us to kick and scream until we are weary and without a voice.

Ignoring the metabolic disorder of our soul steals away the purpose of our pain, inhibits our ability to heal, and saturates our spirit with suffering.  This path is a lonely road, and its twists and turns will whip and break your bones.  It is a sad existence that leads nowhere and leaves no to hold your soul.

Like diabetes our disease can be managed.  It can be treated with an injection of empathy and a healthy diet of humility.