Surround yourself with the feather you want to be

Life coaches and gurus often say you should surround yourself with wealthy and successful people. They teach their clients to ride tailcoats and manufacture friendships.  Hanging out with wealthy people will not make you wealthy, unless of course they give you their money.  Instead of paying people to be your friend, riding tailcoats, or using others, just try to get to know people and make friends.  Look for people with common interests, goals and values then take some time to share ideas. 

Fake people suck, and everyone knows it, the more artificial you are the more awful you become.  Surround yourself with the feather you want to be.  This means spending time with good-willed, loving people who live with peace in their heart. The right people are the ones who encourage us to achieve our dreams and to live with purpose.  They are passionate, confident and want to leave the world better than how they found it.