Jennifer Brand Academy
Support Group
Explore the Magic of the moment
Are you searching for a community of massage therapists who live with love, celebrate life, and want to help others through their journey? Join the Discovering Hope Initiative, a support group for massage therapists. Rediscover your passion, enthusiasm, and joy while participating in fun activities around our community, exploring massage techniques, and meeting amazing souls who live with hope.
You are bold, brilliant, and unique. Within your eyes is a light that burns brighter than any fire. You are powerful, purposeful, and capable of achieving any goal. You can make a difference. You are not alone. There are others in this world who share your goal. Join us on our journey, discover community, and help others explore the joy of feeling whole. We are the Discovering Hope Initiative. We are a coalition of passionate people who love massage, wellness, and those who live to help others. We are here to help you on your journey, cultivate life-long friendships, and encourage mentorships.
It is our goal to build a legacy, to enrich the lives of others, and guide the massage industry into the greatest era of all time. As massage therapists, wellness professionals, and loving spirits, we can cultivate a culture of peace, serenity, and prosperity. Together we can spread hope throughout the cities and townships of Missouri. We can encourage meaningful change, guide our peers towards excellence, and help people feel the vibrant light of life.
You are spectacular!
Our events are open to anyone who would like to attend. The focus is to have fun, meet new people, and rediscover the joy of feeling alive. As massage therapists we spend so much time connecting with the bodies of others we often disconnect from our own. These events are an opportunity to reclaim your connection, celebrate every second, and be surrounded by people who live with love.
Exploring Massage Techniques
Organized by Shawn White, LMT
Have you ever wanted to learn new techniques without having to push through pricey pay walls? Do you feel like you have skills that could enrich the massage community? If so, this free class is for you! Join us to share, listen, and participate in this learning opportunity. This class is one of the many facets of the Discovering Hope Initiative, a support group for massage therapists. It is our goal to uplift massage therapists throughout our community so they may have a long, healthy, and prosperous career.
Organized by Shawn White, LMT
What are classroom trades? This is an environment where one massage therapist performs a full 60-minute massage on another massage therapist in a classroom environment. It helps massage therapists receive proper massage maintenance, encourages trades to occur more frequently, and provides other licensed therapists the opportunity to observe how other practitioners perform massage. The goal of this project is to help LMTs receive the maintenance they need while fostering a loving culture that exemplifies the virtues of empathy, creativity, and humility.
Exploring the Meat Grinder of Massage
Organized by Shawn White, LMT
In this course we discuss the Meat Grinder of Massage, what it is, how it affects massage therapists and the impact it has on our industry. By the completion of this course, you will have a firm grasp on how to advocate for yourself as an employee; possess the tools to effectively navigate the professional world of massage; have a quality understanding of the massage culture and how to influence it in a meaningful way; have the tools to help you avoid burnout and injury; and understand the nuances of leadership & business management.
Join Our Massage Therapy Support Group
As wellness professionals we need a mentor, someone to serve as our guiding light in the dark times. We need to be surrounded by life and love. As massage therapists we need vibrant spirits around us who know how to celebrate their seconds, cherish the moment, and live with peace. Our support group is dedicated to these things. Join us and build a community of professionals who espouse the virtues of empathy, creativity, and humility. Rediscover your inner light, serve as a lantern bearer for others who hurt, and start living your dreams.