We don’t have babies performing massage, nor do we have Doogie Howser LMT employed at Jennifer Brand Spa.  So, what is a baby massage therapist?  Traditionally it is our mother, she gives us our first and most important massage we will ever experience.  The touch we receive as children determines how we interpret it as adults.

Some use “baby massage therapist” to mean prenatal massage therapist.  They put it in the search bar with the intent of finding their perfect prenatal massage.  Though the massage types may sound the same they are tremendously different.  A prenatal massage is designed to provide comfort and relaxation to a pregnant woman.  A baby massage therapist, also known as an infant massage therapist, is someone who practices a therapy designed to treat the specific issues of an infant.

Who can be a baby massage therapist?

Infant massage is typically performed by the child’s parents, grandparents or guardian.  However, there are others outside of the home who may perform this important developmental therapy.  These are nurses on neonatal intensive care units and sometimes massage therapists.

Infant massage is a life shaping experience for young children.  A caring touch is a healthy addition to anyone, but it is especially important to little ones new to this life.  The world is a scary place to adults, imagine how terrifying it must be to a growing baby.  They need someone to show them comfort and safety by easing them toward a peaceful place.

This kind of massage is essential for children, but it is also beneficial for mothers.  Massage promotes bonding and attachment as it increases her awareness of her baby’s needs.

Benefits of Infant Massage

You don’t have to be a trained baby massage therapist to provide an infant comfort.  Often intuition, compassion and awareness of touch is all that is needed to provide a comforting massage experience. However, if you are seeking someone else to massage your child make sure they have the proper certifications and education to safely and effectively massage your child.

Studies have shown infant massage provides numerous benefits.  Here is a list of some of these claims:

Infant Benefits

  • Encourages Relaxation
  • Improves the infant’s immune system.
  • Promotes bonding and communication.
  • Decreases production of stress hormones.
  • Encourages rest and sleep.
  • Aids in healthy digestive and respiratory function.
  • Helps relieve discomfort due to gas, congestion, teething and pain.

Parent Benefits

  • Improves communication.
  • Eases separation anxiety.
  • Elevates mood.
  • Promotes bonding.