I LOVE wild women! My favorite women have a colorful past. They are more responsible with their energy now, yet still access their wildness. They rarely look back with shame for the times it went too far, hiding and burying that part of themselves. They make amends, accept, and even celebrate that woman who wanted them to be free, to be a disrupter, shake things up and break shit (such as old constructs)! She was a badass and an excellent teacher!

Sometimes it went too far. Sometimes their empowerment and rebellion hurt themselves and others. That happens when you take risks! Eventually they course corrected though and found a more sustainable and nurturing way of being and are all the wiser for it.

My clients who haven’t known what it’s like to be wild tend to live in careful worlds of control, limitation, and fear. They try to look perfect and do everything right yet are miserable and don’t know why! It’s so freeing when they finally bust through that subconscious B.S. (Belief System)!!!

On some level we all remember freedom and wildness, because we were all kids who played with wild abandon! We can get back there. That spark and spice lives on, as long as we don’t make ourselves small from living in shame and regret. I did that for a long time. I beat myself up for years over real and perceived things I did wrong. I tried to protect people from me.

No more!

I did a lot of deep healing work and have forgiven myself for being age-appropriate and human. I now know that my wild woman is my biggest strength and friend! She’s here to guide and assist me. She is a real, living part of me who enjoys being fully expressed…and still causes trouble sometimes. That’s life!

For you wild ones out there: you were who you needed to be, until you no longer needed to play that role. You can choose a different role if you want! You will still have access to the strengths of those characters you played before. They have wisdom for you.

If you want support eliminating shame or busting through limiting programs, reach out me to schedule a free Clarity Call.

Stay wild!

-Lorraine Clarkson, Relationship and Transformation Coach at Sacred Healing Practices