What are classroom trades? This is an environment where one massage therapist performs a full 60-minute massage on another massage therapist in a classroom environment. It helps massage therapist receive proper massage maintenance, encourages trades to occur more frequently, and provides other licensed therapists the opportunity to observe how other practitioners perform massage.
As mentors, guides, and helpers we exist to enrich the lives of others. We live to help people discover hope, develop tools to cope, and live their highest quality life. If we want to elevate the perceived value of massage throughout our community, we must invest in each other.

Our perceived skill is the sum of our industry’s collective quality. When the public experiences one low quality massage it reduces the public’s perception of every massage service. Lackluster, overpriced services push the public to cheap, unprofessional, and unlicensed facilities. This increases the likelihood the public will be exposed to brothels disguised as massage businesses.
Elevating the collective skill of our industry enhances the public’s perception of legitimate massage business. It improves our ability as professionals to introduce new people to massage; creates a further divide between the BDAMBs and licensed massage therapists, and helps our peers enjoy a long fruitful career.
Discovering Hope
Discovering Hope, a support group for massage therapists exists to help massage therapists advance their career, improve their massage skills, and enjoy life. We have introduced Classroom Trades to help facilitate a stronger, healthier, and more effective massage community. It is a service available to any licensed massage therapist, or student. Students attending other schools must abide by the rules of policies of their school when attending our classes. If they are not allowed to provide massage in the absence of their instructors, they will not be allowed to actively participate unless they are simply observing or receiving a massage.
We also offer mentorship opportunities through our Lantern Bearer project, study groups for massage students, continued education, and guidance.
If you want to attend and participate in our Classroom Trade events, please reach out to us by calling 636-294-7555 and registering with our receptionist, or by RSVPing on our Facebook page.