Feminine Connection



Creating Space

Now is the time to connect!

As we enter into the Fall Equinox, we find ourselves walking back into the darkness, back to the cave where we can find shelter, build our own light for warmth, and be closest with those around us for our survival.

This is where the desire of the Feminine is found.

In this darkness we find our balance, direct our center, and create space for imagination to flow in the cosmic dance of creation.

How does one make light in the darkness?

By remembering that this is what you have prepared for.

Light your fire with:

  • Laughter from the Heart EVERYDAY
  • Patience with yourself and others BREATHE
  • Change the patterns INVITE SOMETHING NEW
  • Open your mind through your voice SING
  • Create something to be proud of IMAGINATION
  • Cast out doubt and fear BE BRAVE
  • Offer space, for yourself and others BE UNCONDITIONAL
  • Live in today, and make room for tomorrow FAITH

The road to the feminine is filled with obstacles that are sharp, harsh, heavy and offers a road that leads to suffering through our offers… but that road can only be chosen by YOU!

There is another road… one full of magical opportunity that only the open hearted may venture down. It does not hold pain, anger, sadness… instead it holds pure joy, freedom of expression, and a sense of understanding. This road is lit by the faith of the heart, creation of our sacred space, and memories of unconditional love. Understanding the purpose is unfolding and holding no expectation of what is to happen next, while holding a Faith that is strong enough to move mountains and give others the wings to fly.

You have a choice now…

What road will you choose?

I choose LOVE

Meagan Buchanan, Eternity in a Box