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As human beings, food is our most utilized source of energy. It provides us with nutrients and fuel needed to keep our bodies moving, encourages comfort, a sense of community, and grants us a way to embrace culture.

What if I told you that there is no such thing as β€œjunk” food?

It’s true! Bad foods don’t exist, only bad habits associated with consuming certain types of foods. Simply put, there are foods we should eat to power our body and foods we should indulge as a pleasurable treat. Both serve a wonderful purpose.

The key to making conscious food choices is through introspection and personal exploration. We need to recognize why and when we want to eat to prevent falling prey to overindulgence. Are we eating to fuel our body or to comfort our spirit?    Knowing the why and when will help us live a balanced, happy, and healthy life.

With positive and balanced eating habits we can move away from the commercialized and often toxic diets society pushes onto our plate. 

Affirm: β€œI am filling my body full of foots that fuel and comfort me.”

Josie Blue Rohde – find me on instragram