Living on this wonderful world is a blessing beyond belief.  Unimaginable beauty swirls around us like willow-wisps in the magical forest of life.  Today I invite you to join me on an amazing adventure.  Together we will explore the magnificent words and sweet snippets of Lindsay Mooney.  She is a powerful soul who spreads her love for life to those seeking inspiration and illumination.  Walk with me on this road and taste the sweetness of existence as she lights the path before us with her wild, soothing, and maternal wisdom.  

The universe has granted me the blessing of witnessing Lindsay Mooney’s amazing voice and now I want to share it with you.  This article is a part of project to spread peace, love, and joy throughout our community.  Its purpose is to shed light on the dark places of our soul, help us reach our goals and experience the brilliant light of the divine.

If you would like to join us on our quest to discover hope or develop tools for others to use on their road; reach out to us and together we will make the world glow. – Shawn White, LMT

Words of Lindsay Mooney

Read out loud:

“I am abundant. I am loved. I am seen. I am heard. I am valued. I am protected. My steps are guided. I am one with everything around me. I am present. I am supported. I am powerful. I am glorious. I am magical. I have everything I need.”

This is a reminder that you are everything you thought you needed. You are equipped. You are wealthy. You are predestined for the greatness you are walking into. It’s up to us to accept it, to walk with integrity, honesty and intention. Your purpose is here, waiting for you to step into the truth of who you are and what you can accomplish.

Have you given yourself permission to love yourself the way you want to be loved? To raise the bar on your expectations. To simply love yourself, every day, with all your being, fiercely. It’s something I am learning to do more each day and it’s leading to powerful shifts in my thinking, my self-care, my self-esteem, my emotional balance, my parenting, and even choices I’m making in my work including who and what I say yes to. Radical self-love and self-compassion are often overlooked pieces in healing and living our best lives – but truly, that’s where it all begins.

Lindsay Mooney
If you stand in quicksand, you will sink. That’s how quicksand works. You wouldn’t blame the quicksand or speak badly about it while you were standing in it because you would die.

Apply this to everything that doesn’t serve your highest calling. If you stay in situations that pull you down, you will sink. Don’t waste your time talking about how bad the situation is, or how shitty those people are. Leave the quicksand. Now.
Lindsay Mooney
The doors to the world of the wild are few but precious. If you have a deep scar, that is a door, if you have an old, old story, that is a door. If you love the sky and the water so much you can hardly bear it, that is a door. If you yearn for a deeper life, a full life, a sane life, that is a door.
Lindsay Mooney
More of celebrating what we have,
what we look like and what we can do.
More of allowing ourselves to get inspired by others, more of celebrating the beautiful human beings around us without comparing or degrading.
More of standing together and rising.
More loving. More celebrating.
Lindsay Mooney
True love means I’m not going to be part of your dysfunction.
To the people I love I say, I love you enough to tell you the truth. “I love you, and because I love you, I would sooner have you dislike me for telling you the truth than adore me for telling you lies.”
It also means I do everything in my power to offer you the techniques, tools, technologies, practices, modalities that may be able to support your healing journey. I will not do your work for you, and I will not enable your unhealthy patterns.
Lindsay Mooney
We are taught at a very young age to betray ourselves. Taught that our needs don’t matter. Taught to hide ourselves behind pleasantries. Taught that we will belong, be loved, and be valued if we appear in ways that make other people comfortable. But every compromise we make in life takes its toll. Our mental, emotional, and spiritual health is cumulative.

Put it off for no one and no thing.
Sometimes our healing happens when we change the way we relate to the things that will not change. As humans, we tend to put a lot of effort into trying to change people. We want to change how they think, how they feel, what they do or don’t do, how they heal, how they grow. When do we realize it’s time to let go?
Somewhere along the way we realize that despite our best efforts to change people, people simply will not change. Realizing you can’t change people, is a BIG deal. In that moment you begin to heal. You heal from changing the way you choose to relate to people and situations you cannot change. You heal by surrendering. You heal by accepting. But even more importantly, you take back control of that which is in you control. Your reaction.

-Lindsay Mooney, find her at SOÜLHAPPY